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Shaman Elder Maggie has a direct unbroken full blood line lineage to her Elders and Ancestors, the ancient Traditional Shamans who lived above the Arctic Circle 4,000 years ago.

 She apprenticed with her Shaman Grandmother who handed down these skills and tools to her as they have been handed down over the millennia in this family.


  • The abilities to heal the sick and even raise the dead

  • To pass through dimensions and warp space and time

  • To find and work with the energetic mendicants that are not present in this material world

  • That can only be found by mastery of the higher states of being

These are the skills and abilities that Shaman Elder Maggie is willing  to teach you for your own benefit:


1. Do you realize that you need to protect yourself from all the negative energies and entities that are created in this world? Let Shaman Elder Maggie show you the powerful tool that  the ancient Shamans used to protect  themselves.    

                   You can do this too! Lesson 1!


2. Do you want to learn how to work with the other 95% that is created and present here affecting your life, but is not manifest physically? Shaman Elder Maggie will help you gain the skills to do this just as her ancestors were able to heal the sick and control their fate. Lesson 4!


3.Shaman Elder Maggie is the last person in this world who is able to teach the path of ancient Shamans, her own ancestors. If you want to learn the true traditional path of  the old powerful Shamans you need to realize that she will not be here forever.  Shaman Elder Maggie realizes she will not be here forever and so for these final years she is offering you to apprentice with her for no charge. The opportunity is offered to you right now. You did not come to this site by mistake.


4.  Why does it cost nothing when you get so much?  Because the best students for this course are not rich but ARE willing to put in the effort to gain the  powers and skills of the ancient Shamans. The best students will realize the value of what they

are being given and will respect these tools and skills.That is what truly matters.


5. Through the use of her lifelong practices in Traditional Shamanic techniques, dreaming and trance work, Elder Shaman Maggie reaches within to an individual's eternal soul, unblocking the paths and tunnels to one's own innate healing abilities allowing one's life force to burn brightly once again, enlivening peace, abundance, joy, and creativity. Shamanic healing works on all facets of the person - past, present and future - restoring and opening the natural lines for personal success in mind, body and spirit.


Every student gains healing and abundance unlike anything they have ever experienced before. GUARANTEED!


Enroll for Class lectures and Email lessons  below and you can learn to do this yourself! Start Today. There is no charge but there is a waiting list so apply now to see if there is an opening for you.


Email Consultation
Shaman Elder
Traditional Shaman Warrior
Shaman Elder Maggie
an indigenous Shaman, an ancestor

What is traditional shamanism? It is the ancient way practiced 4,000 years ago and can only be taught by someone with that unbroken bloodline who apprenticed with an Elder..

The Shaman Speaks Book

Attention! Now that this Apprenticeship is cost free, there is at times a long waiting list. Apply  quickly on this page below. Not everyone is accepted

What is the Difference Between Traditional Shamanism and Neo-shamanism?

Question: is this a physical school?

Yes this physical school began in 2004, but the classes are offered online.The physical school is located on sacred ground in Missouri and as a student you are invited to a FREE in-person weekend with your fellow students two times each year.


Question: How do I attend classes Online?

We have a classroom online at and you will be invited each week by email with a link to enter that classroom on Monday nights at 9PM EST for a one hour audio/visual lecture with your fellow students.


Question:  What if I cannot attend on Monday nights?

On each Tuesday you will receive an email with a link to the transcript of that live class

 and you can access it and watch it anytime! Its best to attend live but you don’t have to.

You may also be offered an ebook of that class or an MP3 of that class as a bonus from time to time.


Question: Can I use my mobile device?

Yes you can!  And you can even get phone access to listen the class ”live” on your phone if you do not want to access the classroom online. Attend from wherever you are!


Question:  What else do I get?

  • 18 Shaman Apprenticeship 101 Course lessons delivered by email as you progress. Retail value $1,250.00 USD.

  • Unlimited personal email   counseling   with Shaman Elder Maggie.

  • Options for real time phone calls with Shaman Elder Maggie privately for counseling and healing.

  • An invitation to attend a FREE weekend in person with Shaman Elder Maggie and fellow classmates.

  • Options for real time in-person retreats at a discount, one on one with Shaman Elder Maggie privately.

  • Ebooks and MP3 audio teachings FREE.

  • You can quit anytime you wish. Try it out.


Question:  How much does it cost?

Answer: Nothing. You can begin today and get your welcome letter, first course lesson and starting this Saturday, your invitation to attend the weekly class lectures online.


Question: How long does it take?

At least one year to complete the 101 Course. Then we have the 102 Course and the 103 Course. The entire path is lifelong. Be sure you are willing to invest at least one year of your life. This IS an apprenticeship.


Question: What is an Apprenticeship?

"An apprenticeship is a good way to prepare yourself for the future with on-the-job training in a highly skilled career.  Someone who is new to the field (the apprentice) learns the skills needed for the job. Apprentices are trained by master craftsmen, who are experts in their field.

Someone who is new to the field (the apprentice) learns the skills needed for the job. "


"Apprentices are trained by master craftsmen, who are experts in their field. They share their skills and knowledge to help the apprentice become an expert, too."


"An apprenticeship is also a school. Apprenticeships include classroom lessons to make sure the apprentice masters all aspects of the job."




What IS A Power Song and How Do I Get Mine?


Your Greatest Self.

What You Will Learn when you enroll in this course


Learn to be balanced -fearless- confident.


Develop a relationship with your innate guidance system- guides


Connect to the matrix that all Traditional Shamans tap into! Amazing!


Awaken to your natural ability to sense 5000% more than you do today!


Align your body, mind and spirit through traditional practices to stand 100% in your

own power.


Gain energy and enthusiasm and creativity to direct your own life as you choose. Heal

Yourself completely!


Fulfill your purpose here as a healer of yourself and others. Do you want to

do this? Then this course is for you!

Mongolian Shamaness
A Shaman's Coat
Traditional Shaman Ceremony

"Thank you so much for bringing these lessons to me! They are in some way, connecting me to something deep within myself, a stirring passion, need, or just maybe my power, but I feel it is more than that. Anyhow, I am deeply grateful, I am starting to open my eyes." - SH

""You are the only real Shaman I have found to study with. Your lessons bring me real experiences and skills immediately.  My entire life has changed since I began studying with you.


3 Movies To Watch: click on the pictures below

The Bubble Of Protection

"You are  the wisest teacher I have ever had.  I believe in myself. I believe in all that tyou have
 taught me. I belive that to walk in the light and to  fill up with the Creator's flow is what keeps me happy  and safe and full of compassion. I want to teach this  to my children and anyone who wants to listen and  learn."- Charlene

Form 1
Crickets - Shaman Elder Maggie
00:00 / 00:00

There is nothing imaginary in Traditional Shamanism. No imagination needed here.

Shaman Elder's Story

"I have been trained in the ancient ways to have a powerful and joyous life path  - ways you have never been trained to employ. But I am willing to teach you these ways to have an empowered, bountiful, peaceful joyful life as I have.


I have the bloodline of my own Traditional Shaman Elders who lived above the Arctic Circle in the earliest days of man. My ancestors have handed down their tools and skills, sometimes at the cost of their own lives, so that I could teach them to you today.


 I apprenticed at the foot of my own Shaman Grandmother for 13 years until she died suddenly when I was 16.  So even at age three I was learning how to travel through time and space, how to perceive with “inner senses”, how to create the path through life that my ancestors walked.


 You can imagine that the path of a Traditional  Shaman must be beautiful and rich and powerful. They could travel anywhere in the world at any time.  They could create things that would benefit their lives and their people. They could connect with Creator’s healing power and even do miracles like giving sight to the blind and raising the dead. These skills and tools were handed down from generation to generation and I have been given the blessing of having these healing gifts myself. I want to teach you these skills and tools just as my own ancestors used them to create a powerful, joyful, abundant reality for your life, too!


 People didn’t always have to suffer and struggle. The Elders knew how to live in this world in a bountiful way that is all but lost today. They did not suffer or struggle at all. They found this life experience to be an amazing adventure. My ancestors had a different belief system than you have been taught by your parents and ancestors. I have this more beneficial belief system, too. Did you ever wonder if there was a better way to create your reality? There is!


 Are you ready to give up beliefs that never benefitted you and are not even true? Are you tired of trying to imitate people who only know how to struggle and suffer? Life is not about struggling!  I offer you the opportunity to learn the path of my own ancestors here. This path is not being taught by anybody else on this planet at this time because there are no other surviving Shamans from this lineage.  I will take you on this path and show you how to change your reality to make your life fantastic and powerful." Apply today.




Shaman Elder Maggie
Shaman Sophie
Shaman Elder Greets Attendees
SEM Business card

Shaman Elder Maggie Greets Attendees

White Elephant Totem

Welcome to my home

Shaman Maggie and her Shaman Grandmother

"You have changed my reality to be one of joy and ease. I dont have conlficts anymore. I understand my purpose here now and I am forever grateful for this amazing new life." - Leslie J.

" I never thought that my beliefs were not true and that was causing me so much struggle in life. Thanks for showing me the truth! Wow!

I am a totally different person!"

- John W.

I have learned from you how to create anything that I desire in my reality. You have shown me how the ancient Shamans were able to do what they did and now I can do it too! Thanks forever! "

- Joe

FREE  Soul Escorting EBook,"Death and Dying in My Traditional Shamanic Lineage"

What Is a Talisman and Do You Need One? Get one here now.

Lessons Included for Free:

1. Protection

2. Warriorship

3. Balance

4. Inner Senses

5. Meet Your Guides

6. Arctic Medicine Wheel

7. The Planes

8. Totems

9. Intro to Healing Work

10. Shamanic Divination

11. The Old Chakra System

12. Working With Allies

13.Shamanic Journeying

14. Working with Herbs

15. The Causal Planes

16. Your Cave Place Part 1

17. Your Cave Place Part 2

18. Your cave Place Part 3.

A traditional reindeer herder
light up with shamanism
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"Here are some of the things that I have taught to my students both in our weekly class lectures online and in lessons from the 101 course. Enroll now  and have access to all of this!" - Shaman Elder Maggie
Why Do I Need Discipline                                                                          Where are The Causal Planes
What is Awareness in Traditional Shamanism and Why Do I Need It?
Archetypes and Their Purpose                                                                  A Comparison of Practice Yoga and Shamanism
Courage                                                    Conscious Breathing                Curses- Do They Work?
Death or Immortality                            Dimensions of Time                 What is a Bodhisattva?
Drawing Energy From The 4 Bodies                                                         Who Do You Give Your Power To?
Esoteric Energy; What Is That?            Fear versus Courage                Gaining New Perceptions
Glamours: What Are They?                                                                          How Not To Walk Into Other People's Realities
Huna Healing                                           In the Now                                  Intentions , Thoughts and Emotions
Its Your Path; Your River                        Judgment                                    Karma
Lack of Commitment                              Listening to Your Guides         Loving Kindness
Lucid Dreaming, What Is It and do I Need It?                                          Making Good Choices
Medicine Wheel Ceremonies               Living Between Worlds             Mudras, How to Use Them for Increasing Your Energy
Respect                                                      Perceiving Beauty                      Multiple Dimensions
Chakras                                                      Receiving from Creator             Removal of Ones Belief System
Responsibility                                          Self Importance                           Self Sabotage
Sacred Sounds                                         Simplicity                                      Shamanism is Not Hypnotherapy
Shamanism is Not Faith Healing         Spiritual Protection                   Spiritual Unity
Seven Disciplines to the Tao                                                                          The Balance of the Four Elements
The Four Truths                                          The Law of Karma                      The Manifestation Machine
The Mask in Shamanism                         The Mind Creates Reality          The Vision Quest
The Power of the Word                            The Powers of a Shaman           The Spiders Web
Three Ways to Do Anything                    Types of Healing Energies         Unconditional Love
Compassion; What It Really Is              Warrior Path With Heart             Qualities of a Warrior
What Is a Traditional Shaman                                                                          Your Practice of Shamanism is Unique to you.
What Is a Soul Retrieval                            Bilocation                                     Invisibility

Time Travel

Sign up using the form above and get started learning Traditional Shamanism with this true expert indigenous teacher today!



 You were not sent here with a mission and no teacher.

 You have not found your way to this place by accident. And you know this is true.


My mission today in my elder years is to give you this school teaching Traditional Shamanism just as it has been practiced for thousands of years in my own family so that you yourself could learn to become this warrior in service today, in this time of worldwide suffering and struggle.


The need for you to step up and commit yourself to your own self is the first step.


By learning how to see the reality around you as it is, without the untrue beliefs and manipulations you have been subjected to, is how  you identify what you  can do here to uplift this planet.  And that begins as all true Traditional Shamanic Apprenticeships begin, with healing yourself.  That is what I will teach you first in this 101 Course.


And even if you never get any farther on this path than the 101 Course, at least you will have healed yourself- and through that effort, you will bring a greater Light into this world for all of us.

For it is said, that one candle lit in darkness brings a thousand lumens of Light to everything around it.  

Let’s begin now.

Use the form above or this start button to email me today! I will send you a registration form to fill out .

I am here for you!

A Message From Shaman Elder Maggie

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What Can I Help You With?


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© Copyright 1999-2019 Do NOT Copy

​© 2019 by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls.

HC 89 Box 341 Winona MO 65588

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Disclaimer: All material provided by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your own physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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