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Dear Shaman Elder Maggie,
You have given me a very powerful lesson today. Your words brought me to tears. It is true--I have not been accepting Creator's gifts-- Creator's Love and infinite blessings. I will no longer deny this Love or tell myself that I am not worthy of it. I will focus on how to honor the Creator's Love instead of refusing it. Thank you from my heart. Your teachings continue to transform me and bring me clarity. "Thank you" just doesn't seem enough. Namaste.
In eternal Love and Gratitude,










   First off, you have the most wonderful voice and I'm sure many have told you this. For me it conveys a warmth and kindness yet, you have a knack of getting to the 'meat' of things without harshness. I really do appreciate that form of communication so thankyou. - Val

I want to thank you again for what you’re providing here for everyone (like myself) who is seeking. I’m so glad to have found your course! It feels like both a relief and a challenge to undertake this learning journey with you. - Joy mlozanowski

Please, be encouraged by knowing that your teaching has helped me to reach a place where I will never be lonely again.

Thank you for all of YOUR encouragement.  Since you are a teacher, I hope that knowing one of your students is forever changed will encourage you, as well. Namaste. Pam


Dear, wonderful Shaman Maggie,
you bring me so much healing and joy!  Thank you so much.  What a beautiful teaching.  Reading it brought tears to my eyes and such a huge feeling of gratefulness that I think I must have expanded twice my normal size!  I will absolutely try this on everything- I DO want an easy life and I can completely see how just stopping for a second and asking this question can make all the difference in the world.

Wow.  I am SO LUCKY to be studying with you, to have you in my life!  Thank you very, very much. namaste.Felicia.


Thank you so much for the audio e-mail.  After listening to it, I recognized that I was listening to the sound of unconditional love.  It was wonderful!  So many thoughts came to me in the days that followed the e-mail.  Thoughts about how critical we are of ourselves and how much we all need to hear the voice of unconditional love.  So your lesson on Wednesday was exactly what I needed to hear, as I contemplated the sound of your voice and your message. - Deb riva

Shaman Elder MAggie  THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THIS EXPERIENCE,,,,,I can not wait to see what the next 21 days bring.....
and also can not wait to see what  REIKI II  brings later on....
I love your class and would not think of going elsewhere.....
If you ever need to use me as a reference, please do so. I will be more than happy to refer you.

Lisa Dottoli
Gym Rat Sports Designs

Thank you so much for bringing these lessons to me,
They are in some way, connecting me to something deep within myself, a stirring passion, need, or just maybe my power, but I feel it is more than that. Anyhow, I am deeply grateful, I am starting to open my eyes.

OMG yes the truth makes much more sense to me now.  You are definitely a chosen one and very blessed.  Your work is such a gift to anyone that meets you.  I wish to thank you from all of us.   
Namaste Elder Maggie,


Thank you for listening, thank you for being there, thank you for being you, thank you for everything... I love you Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls...


Thank you for your wonderful explanation of the chart. I kept talking myself into a 5 everytime I was off balance.  It was to a point that I at times I was upset because I was not a perfect 5 all the time.  EXCELLENT.  I will work on my chart daily and send it to you weekly. Also, thank you so much for the information you sent me on how to give and take to balance our 4 bodies.  I just LOVE working with you.  You have changed my life.
Aho, Namaste



Shaman Maggie, I know that I still have so much to learn and practice but in this small amount of time, I can already see the changes in my life and for the first time, truely FEEL like a spiritual person and I can FEEL Creators love! I have never been more convinced that I have found my path.  THANK YOU!

What People Say About

             Shaman Elder Maggie

I would like to thank Shaman Elder Maggie, Creator and guides for the amazing changes in my life. I wake up every day feeling good about my life and myself.  Shaman Elder Maggie has worked with me through the dis-ease in my life.  There were so many eye opening ahh huh moments I can't begin to list them all. A few of the most important things I have learnt, that have truly changed my life are self love, trust, and that the things from my past are part of my past; they don't have to define who I am today.  I don't need to feel  sadness, guilt or pain for the rest of my life.  I have a much better knowledge of who I am today and I love this person.  I am able to sit and be comfortable in any situation without having to prove myself.  I make choices based on what I want out of life without needing anyone elses input or approval.  It truly feels good/great to be me.  I signed up for this course thinking I would learn about Shamanism, but it is so much more.....where it has taken me is to this amazing place..... I feel awesome.  From the bottom of my heart I thank you for your support, patience and love!!!!!!  AHO   Leeanne  Vancouver Island, BC

Weekly Class lectures online includes free mp3s and transcripts even if you cannot make it to Monday's classes, free lessons by email, free ebooks.Apply today as  the class fills up quickly.  Click here

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​© 2019 by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls.

HC 89 Box 341 Winona MO 65588

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Disclaimer: All material provided by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your own physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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