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How to Become a Shaman

The experience of Apprenticing directly with a Traditional Shaman is truly unparalleled. The personal e-mails and attention that you will receive from Shaman Elder Maggie will provide first hand knowledge and insight into a world that few know about. If you are interested in what a Shamanic journey entails, or how to achieve healing through use of medicine bags and other traditional remedies, Shaman Elder Maggie is a superior resource and also an excellent teacher as illustrated in the letters and feedback from her past and current students. Her background and qualifications are discussed in greater length on this website.


You need to have someone who has mastered the path of Traditional Shamanism to learn from.

 Shaman Elder Maggie offers weekly online class lectures  to all her students and even provides a transcript of each class and a free MP3 of each class as well. She also gives her students Shamanism eBooks she has authored to keep and read and study.  Every class lecture is interesting and gives you a tool or skill that you can take away and use immediately to benefit your life.

 Some of the past classes have been

The Heros Journey

Fear vs Courage

Sound and Resonance

The 8 Powers of the Shaman

Balance,  Alchemy and the Medicine Wheel.


Through the weekly online class lectures you will gain skills and tools of the Traditional Shaman.  You will also receive lessons by email that you can study and practice and you have unlimited email with Shaman Elder  anytime. This is a "one on one" very experiential course. You are not left to work by yourself. But you can work at your own pace within reason and do your work at your own convenience so this course is customized for the busy person who has a full time job and family.  The practices are meant to be done within your daily life, not apart from it.


How will learning Traditional Shamanism benefit your life?

  1. It will make your life easier.

  2. This life experience you are having will make more sense.

  3. It will give you tools and skills that were used centuries ago to heal yourself and others.

  4. It will remove stress and worry.

  5. It will bring you financial abundance

  6. It will bring you understandings that other people do not have

  7. It will allow you to control your own destiny

  8. It will attract goodness and love and peace into your life.

  9. It will allow you to work with other people from a position of power and authority

  10. It will make you happier than you have ever been in your entire life.

There is only one True Shaman actually teaching Traditional Shamanism left in the world today who is accepting students. The opportunity to have an Apprenticeship with her is rare indeed. Many students wait for decades to have the opportunity to study with an Elder Master Teacher. Shaman Elder Maggie has devised a course to teach what her elders taught to her because she does not want to see these teachings lost to the world. In this way she can teach many students who come to her to learn these ancient shaman ways.


But Shaman Elder Maggie is old herself. She will not be here much longer. Now is the time to seek out your apprenticeship and gain the knowledge of the ancient Shamans. There is only this moment now.



You have an amazing opportunity to be one of Shaman Elder Maggie's own Apprentices at no cost to you.

 However there is often a waiting list so please fill out the application form now. Be patient.  Not everyone is accepted.

Ask me any question - Free!

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